Fantastic brass!
The brass brings the song on it's back I think. You made a fantastic job with it's control. I loved the part after the first choir section. Great feeling, almost like LOTR.
I think the snares are a bit lound and not really classical like - at least they should be a little in the background and the toms you layered upon them should give the main rythm.
The jazzy 4/4 beat part was a bit wrong indea in my opinion. It's not really fitting into the mood of a fallen city. It's nice still but not so sad as the title requires. And I would delete the cyms out of it - now they are really not fitting in here after my opinion.
The choir is also great - fantastic sample as the brass too.
So overall it's a great track with some dissonance in the style-elements but it really has some great strengths (brass, choir) - so I must say congratulations!