
67 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Nice new elements

Hy maestro!

I'm glad to listen to your newest submission and I'm glad to hear that you're back to crush some more >:)

The electronig gitar was a great sound - it totally reminds me to a soundtrack but I can't tell you wich one... Besides this - it 'rocks' in all meanings. The choir staccato is also great...

But the thing that most caught my ears are the brass (or french horn?) riffs as the blows before a new segment (as at 1:40) and the brass staccatos are also beyond superb quality... I whis I could have such stuff... I'd gladly pound around with them...

To be honest I havent heard the low 'plucked' staccato pizz stings... I understand the concept and the image you wanted to show it this way, but at the beginning it was a bit too random (for me of course). After that you arranged them in a more rythmic way - I liked that. Maybe something that could have been more usefull in the beginning too...

Otherwise nothing to complain about... only that you've forgotten to write some review about my latest tracks. >:)

So great work as usual. Keep it up! 5/5, faved, 10/10, oscar and golden globe nomination and whatever you whis..:)

MaestroRage responds:

ah yes, I just recently found the trumpet and trombone flutter, which is what you hear at 1:40 and at the beginning (think around 0:23). They added a great quality to the song I don't think I could have achieved otherwise.

The brass staccatos are actually a very big blend of everything I had in the brass section. By themselves they have a rather flimsy and uninspiring sound. However blended together and enforced at certain areas i've found that they can make a very gritty, very rough texture which was very ideal for this song.

I realize the beginning was random, and this is kinda how I wanted it. Having it pluck with the rhythm just seemed... not to work. I mean the flash portal doesn't vote on a flash in a predictable fashion. You get a cluster of high votes, then a cluster of bad, a mess of both, etc etc. This is why I did it the way it did. I agree whole heartedly with you, for story telling purposes, it had to be done.

I forgot about your new track X(! Thank you for the reminder, i'll get to it right away! Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!

I couldn't get pass this...

Altough I'm a bit exhausted I could get held back myself writing a review. I was really cuorios what you've created this time.

You mentioned you were just playing around with the instruments and such but I could feel (and every track of yours is like that) that you had a straight and clear vision you wanted to picture with your music.

This time the song is more string heavy than the others but the flute-like instrument is there too. I like the percussion set in the beginning. Really diverse and gives a good plus to the song.

After the first minute you've started the string heavy part. A lower end strings would give more deepness to the song after my opinion but otherwise it's great in this way. I like the way you organised the stings and the crashes.

Good job again. I like your style, keep up the good work!

5/5, 10/10, faved.

popraz responds:

The percussion used here I had created for some older songs. Those songs were more percussion based, but for this new one I wanted more strings. The flute is one of my favourite instruments, at least for now, so I can't help using it for flavour. Plus, I played with some mixer settings to make the sounds a bit clearer than my other songs. But this is a track that I could not fit thematically into any precise idea. It's mostly improvisation, it's kind of how I felt at the moment. Thank you for the review and vote.

Nice classical track

Hy Skragga!

It's a long time back, since I've last reviewed any of your music - but it's now the time to write one.

I've read that you're using Reason now. And yes - I could hear the Reason instruments and some of the choirs are from there surely (Monk choir in on of your earlier classical pieces).

Nice melodies and bulid up here - I liked the mood. I think some heavy distorted guitar-riff could have been a hammer here or a electric guitar solo would also a great add-on.

I could suggest some marcato strings/cellos from the Orkester soundbank - they could really dinamise the songs. (I've experienced a lot.) And I'd give you an advice for Reason:
- Use the french-horns and the brass-section instuments (NN-XT) with automated frequency. This way they'l give a more realistic sound.

So this song is really good - I belive that after practising a lot, you'll become a really good classical composer. Keep up the good work!

mechanoid-9 responds:

Yo madboss,

I have to admit that it's also been a long time since I've checked your songs, so sometime soon I'll be sure to drop in.

Guitar riff... well I'd have used a heavy guitar riff if Reason had a decent guitar instrument. I couldn't get any guitar refills yet and there's only this one in the factory soundbank that sounds kinda acceptable. I had to work with what I had :/ The one included is closer to an electric guitar solo, but it's a little 'meh'.

Marcato strings... if you listen to my other reason songs you'll notice that i actually use them a lot. I just left them out of this one, dunno why rly.

Hmm. Will try that thing with the horns.

I also hope to master my classical skills someday XD I feel that this song is in the "getting there" cathegory, but not quite "there" yet. I mean at a level where a song can be called really good classical. This is only practice yet. I try putting more and more effort into and try new things in my future classical songs. Thanks a lot for reviewing and giving advice!

Great song!

Hy maestro!

I'm here to review this fantastic music again. Looks like you started to play with the speed of the song (I'm mentioning the sudden drop around 1:20) and I think you made it great. It brought some powerfull cahnges to the song and made the listener to be more carefully by listening. I think I'll try this too... it's a great way to grab the attention of the listeners.

There's a great amount of variations, instrumentations, grooves you've used. It could have taken a while to compose this not to mention the tempo-changes.

The french-horn rip was a good idea - gives a nice notice that there'll be a change and fits in greatly to the whole song. The choir rips are also great too...

Well I have to realise that there's nothing I could tell you more about this song. The type of melodies and how the flow goes it's typically your style, easily recogniseable but yet still varied and no repetitivenes to hear.

Congratulations Maestro a wonderfull job again.
Whising you a happy new year!


MaestroRage responds:

Hello madboss!

you're quite right with the tempo change. it keeps the listener on their toes and as a result lets them gain more from the piece overall! It is also a duel edged sword though as making the song demand constant attention makes it more tiring to listen to in repeat. Like a one shot wonder kind of thing, the song's ability to make an impact lessens significantly more if you use it in abundance.

Indeed, a solid 3 days to make it, about 16-17 hours in total. It was worth every second though.

Thank you madboss, here's wishing you a happy new year, may it be a good one! Thank you again for the review, i'm glad you liked it!

A true, haunting and dark song

Hy maestro!

It has been a long time since I'v last wrote a review about your songs. Now it's time to manage it...

The first one minute was an introductory for me - to set the mood for the whole environment and imaginory you wanted to build your song upon.

Than after this... well wow. When the singer (Lady Arsenic) I guess started that melody... man great. I thought that my god a choir support would be a hammer... and you put it in. This dinamic part with drums and the choir was a total hit. Awesome job.

That intermediary part was ok, and the last part was a big emotional explosion again. Fantastic one... One question: whats that effect at 2:42 and at 2:52 (or 2:53 better to say)? I can't decide what it could be...

For summing up: great work with the vocal and the choir combination. Congratulations. Great gothic and dark atmosphere... (I could imagine a coprse bride story for it:)

So great work! Keep it up like this!

MaestroRage responds:

Hello madboss! I was just about to go drop by your page too! What a pleasant surprise :D!

This song without a choir is like ice cream without any taste. Horrible, and pointless.

That effect you are asking about is called French Horn Rip in my sampler, though I am sure that is not the technical name for it. If it helps though it IS made by french horns.

I loved corpse bride... good movie.

Thank you deeply for the review madboss, time to go check out that new work of yours. I'm glad you liked it!

Great horror/thriller piece

Now you're a fast composer Bosa! There's a new track from you in almost every 3-4 days. "A Dream and Troubles" was not really a good track in my eyes but with this one... you hit a nail with it in me.

Haunting and scary opening - fantastic. Absolutely set the mood of the track. These kind of horror-themed tracks are reminding me really of Christopher Young's music. If you're interested in these kind of music, check out Christopher Young's score of "The Excorcism of Emily Rose" or Christopher Gordons score for "Salem's Lot" - you'd like them thats for sure.

But to the track: again with the sudden changes - the pizzicatos are came in to suddenly. But the marcato strings were great. I'd suggest to add some crasy brass to it with some deep trombones. They'll be a killer.

The slow string parts were rather scary - like something would happen now. Great job with them. The choir was also great.

The part that started with the drums: well placed, it fits greatly to the composition - no sudden start in this time, and finally the brass came in. I wish if it would last a bit longer or you would expand it more longer to an orchestral madness of full charge. It'd be a monstreous one.

The solo string part was strange - I think the bongo drums were a little wrong in mood and a bit too loud in volume. But otherwise the instruments and especially that female voice was awesome.

The sudden change to the pizzicato strings and these drums in the end were disturbing me to enjoy this greatly atmospheric track. Otherwise: brilliant. I think you should work a bit longer on your tracks. But no question great work!

Congratulations and keep up your great work!

Bosa responds:

I guess you didn't catch it, but the last part was meant to be an arabic styled piece. The Bosanians finsd Sil, and attempt to conquer it, yet fall victim to darklife and are defeated. Which leads to "Fall of the Bosanians" a track I submitted a while back. My next piece will be the battle of sil, and I hope you enjoyed this one.


Interesting mix of ideas and styles

Hy there again Maestro!

I must say this song is really a kind of unusual from you. My favourite part was the female oh-voice that came in after the gitarre intro. It was well reverbed and as I could guess you plaied with it's frequency or other stuff to bring it in.

The string-heavy part was also great - after that volume rise I thought a grand part will come but you left me with that hope. I think it would have been a great part of the song.

The idea to put the female sound under the string part with some detunded/lower fequency or I don't know how was a great and a bit haunting idea. I loved it. I thought you'll bring more electronic or detuned idea into the track but these great in this form as well.

I think you should expand the lenght of the parts next time. In this form they are a bit short and have not musch space to develope them nicely - only fastly.

No other complaints. It's a great song again - this time a bit more unique and not as epic as it used to be. The mood reminded me a little baroque-like sound (especially the guitarre) - and like you merged with the strings and kicks are great really like melting dimensions together.

Congratulations. Keep up the good work.

MaestroRage responds:

ah, madboss, i'm glad you could drop by my good sir.

The string swell in volume would indicate a energetic part, I agree. However for this story piece I had to make a more ambient and tamed piece. The last story piece (Metal Visage) was appreciated, however I got some PM's telling me the rough loop of that piece made reading the story and listening to the piece at the same time difficult.

In order to keep the story and listening experience as enjoyable as possible, I tried to make the piece as tame as possible, which meant I could not put in a very energetic part, though remaking the song is not out of the question, it is not likely.

You felt the parts were too short too huh? I felt there was something wrong with them, but I just couldn't seem to make them longer without just looping the works, and thats just meaningless in my opinion, I don't quite like to just loop a segment without at least adding another counter melody on it. It was a strange occurance, the first time it happened, I do not expect it to happen often.

I'm glad you liked the piece madboss, I am grateful for the review, thank you.

Good music withs some mistakes

First to say: the playback doesn't work I had to downoad it - but no problem. It's always a great pleasure to review a song one of yours.

To the track: I loved the melodies and the arrangement of instruments. The first half was a like a big adventure and the second half was peacefull and calm. But there are some things that annoied me.

To start from the beginning: the piano was at the start okay but after a while it became harsh and a bit too loud. Especially at around 1:30 - I think the place and the mood would have required a more softer sound.

Oh after this are the slow strings again. I don't have to say I think you know I love your melodies and that gitarre was a great idea.

That breake with the flute was a bit sudden and not really good. But at 3:05 the slow strings are coming again - now I can feel myself flying. Great strings, great flute, great choir and the gitarre was a great addition.

After listening quite a lot of your tracks I think there is only one big problem with them. You definitely got great skills for melodies in a wide range of emotions - but the composition and to make these melodies solidly connect to each other are some practise needed. I mean the cahnges between the parts are too rough and there are no soft fade outs or fade ins. Now in this form I could feel like LEGO-blocks passed next to each other rather than one piece long.

But besides this your music is really enjoyable - I'm in love with your slow strings as you know. So some more practise with the structure and you're tracks will be fantastic and outstanding.

Keep it up Bosa. I think it's in you!

Bosa responds:

Yes, I believe I'm improving on transitions. So, thanks for the review, the advice, and the inspiration to keep going! It was well needed.

Wonderfull again

Hy Bosa!

Lately I try to keep my eye - and mostly my ears - on your classical music. And I never hesitate to review any new one of yours. So here it goes:

I must say you definitely got a unique melody-style. It's almost like a dissonant one but still grabs the fielsd of nice, flowing and dreamy melodies.

You described this song as a slow and moody one. But the start was rather dinamic for my. The staccato strings have great power in my opinion.

And after these the slow strings coming again. I'm blown away again. As the volume level rose I thought that this song is almost like an epic soundtrack/filmscore music. Beautifull job.

That 4/4 drums and the staccato violins were a bit wrong I think. They should be more in the background or should be layered on the slow melody more soflty. They were a bit to hars and interrupted the beautifull melody too roughly.

The dinamic vins after that was having a great amount of energy again. I liked quite a lot: really adventureous and happy tune - But the solo vin part had some dissonant mometns I think.
The slow part at the end was again beautifull.

My bigest problem is that the songs mood is not really fitting the title. I can't really imagine the situation you discribed in the title - only at the points of the slow strings but the tunes are rather happyer than sad. But never mind this it's only me. I think this song is still great and I liked it a lot.

Keep it up Bosa! (voted 5)

Bosa responds:

Hm.. yes.. Well, you see, I tried to make most of the song slow and moody, and try to keep the fast paced children away from it so they wouldn't zero bomb it. Yet, if somebody votes five on your song, it gets zero bombed immediantly. It shows that the truly good songs are being ignored. People don't even listen anymore.


Man... great stuff! If I wan't to compare it to something I'd say that it's almost like Lisa Gerrards music (she was co-composer in Gladiator and composed music to some other films like the Whalerider). She had almost exactly the same ambient-like and meditative slow style like your's in this song.

Absolutely chilling and relaxing and it has a great heavenly feel. This is one of the most unique sound that I've recently heard on the AP. Well the ending was a bit abrupt but still can't fade the whole greatness of this song. Congrats men.

LfunkeyA responds:

thanks a lot man, thanks a lot.

Hey, I'm composing music - mostly cinematic soundtrack type of things (symphonic or hybrid sounds) but I'm also composing trance / EDM tracks. Feel free to save a copy and use any tracks on this page. Enjoy the music!

Gregory Bakay @madboss

Age 39, Male



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