Not bad
But I think you have certainly made better tracks. My main problem with this song lies in the drums: they are too soft and jazz-like for this serious classical track. The cyms (or some metal percussions - I can't decide) are not too bad but still with these drums and snares are not giving the energetic feel that you promised in your description.
The good points: the female choir was fenomenal (almost like an opera) - as the violin was. The whole melody-flow was dinamic and energetic - that showed the problems with the drums even more. So with the melody and it's instrumentation. Your beloved bells are still giving the epic edge - as always.
Now as I'm listening to it for the fifth time I could imagine this stuff under a fast paced chase scene or some martial art-like fight. So this song definitely has potential.
I understand that hard hitting drums are really difficult to put under a complex classical theme - I'm having this problem at the moment with my upcoming prject so I can understand your problem - but some suggestion: how about some deep drums with long reverb and some tipini or conga drums? After my taste some toms would be also fitting to it.
So summing up everything: the instrumentation of the percussion section after my subjective is a bit to soft for this tune (altough I must underline that I don't know the songs purpose) - but beside this everything is fitting greatly.
I think this is still a really good audio - so keep it up!