Hello everyone!
Edit on 19.05: I've decided to delete all my recent classical tunes since there are not much of interest for them and I will leave NG in terms of classical-filmscore like songs. NG is not the proper place to promote my scores and to get composing works for serious projects. If I got bored and got a new trance track I'll upload here but no more new classical stuff.
The stuff I left here is of course free for use.
If you want to follow my classical works, check out my websire. Link:
http://www.wix.com/Gregory_Bakay/grego rybakay
Or visit my soundclick page:
http://www.soundclick.com/bands/defaul t.cfm?bandID=956134
Gregory Bakay
checked it out, looks good, all you have to do is get your own domain name.
your music is good too